
Multi-Family Property Investors:

My company, Creative Real Estate Ventures, is an alternative investment solutions firm that solves financial challenges faced by individuals, couples, families and business owners by teaching them creative real estate investing strategies, and offering them investment opportunities to build positive cash-flow and long-term wealth to diversify their financial portfolios.

The company has been actively involved in the Ottawa real estate market for a number of years. Our mission is to create a learning environment for motivated people to actively take control of their personal finances using creative real estate investment strategies to secure their financial freedom, and elevate themselves towards a better lifestyle.


If you aren’t already on the prospective investor contact list, you are welcome to join and be the first to know when we have exciting and profitable investment opportunities available. Just put in your contact information in the box at the right of the screen, and I will also give you access to a short video called “Why Real Estate is An Exceptional Way To Invest”.

And if you are ready to find out more about my Creative Real Estate Investing Solutions Program, I invite you to contact me directly, and I will be happy to show you exactly how it works, either in person, by phone, or through an on-line discussion.

Simply click here to fill out a contact request.

Your Investor Support Partner,

Michael B. Arthur

Contact Michael B. Arthur

Michael B. Arthur

Professional Strategic Real Estate Investor


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