
Michael Arthur

Summer is in full swing! It is great to have this beautiful weather back!

Plenty of things have been happening to me lately. To start it off, I am proud to have finally achieved another commitment for 2017 that I wrote down in 2016. I became a graduate of the Master Certified Negotiation Expert Designation Program from the Real Estate Negotiation Institute! Participating in this meaningful Program was a great learning experience for me in understanding the complexities and challenges of real estate negotiations. Not only is this Program useful in real estate, it is also practical in addressing life’s situations. Graduating from this Program will serve me well in helping my clients and improve my personal growth and development.

I had some setbacks where I had deals on two properties for my buyer clients fall through due to considerable structural, mechanical, electrical and environmental issues that were discovered from home inspections. Despite the disappointment of not completing these deals, what is most satisfying for me was that I protected my clients from buying properties that would have caused them to face a significant financial burden and serious health and safety issues. As I always educate my clients, before purchasing any property, it is essential to have the property undergo a home inspection for a peace of mind and to protect themselves from future problems.

On a somewhat happier note, despite not making it to the Stanley Cup Final, I would like to congratulate the Ottawa Senators for a great regular season and playoff run! This team defied the odds where they were on the verge of not making the playoffs and battling the number one team in the National Hockey League, the Pittsburgh Penguins, to a Game 7 in overtime. The Senators demonstrated true grit and strong determination with a refuse-to-lose attitude when their backs were against the wall. I am sure that this playoff experience will motivate the team to make it to the Stanley Cup Final next year and win it all!

Enjoy the newsletter!☺

Best regards,

Michael B. Arthur
Quote of the Month 
 “Landlords grow rich in their sleep.” 
– John Stuart
A Laugh or Two For Good Measure!
“So you can all be really sad when I die.”

A nice old lady on a bus offers the driver some peanuts. He’s happy to take some and, munching, asks her why she isn’t having any herself.

“Oh, young man,” she says, “they’re too hard on my poor teeth, I couldn’t.”

“Why buy them at all then?” wonders the driver.

“You see, I just love the chocolate they’re covered in!”

Helpful Life Hacks & Cartoon of The Month
Why Invest In Real Estate?
        If you are like most people, the idea of riding the stock market ‘roller coaster’ makes you feel a little queasy.  The highs can be a lot of fun, but the lows really give you a kickin’ (and there seem to be a lot more lows than highs for most investors).

         While real estate also follows a cycle, it tends to be a much more gradual one.  Investing in revenue properties offers us limited immunity from fluctuation

         This means that you don’t tend to see the massive ups and downs of the stock and commodity markets.  It’s a much gentler ride, and tends to provide very solid returns on investment over the long run.  This is another reason I prefer real estate investing over other kinds of investments.


About Michael Arthur:

Who are we? Creative Real Estate Ventures is a real estate investment company. We have been actively involved in Ottawa area real estate investing for a number of years.  Our mission is to provide quality housing for quality tenants, while at the same time providing an above average return on investment (R.O.I) for our investor partners and ourselves.  It is truly a win-win-win way of investing!

And if you are ready to find out more about our investment program, I invite you to contact me directly, and I will be happy to show you exactly how it works, either in person, by phone, or on-line.

You can email me at:
or give me a call at 1-613-618-4082