
Michael Arthur

The honeymoon is over. Winter is officially here, and the Christmas holidays have begun! I don’t know about you but I have started my Christmas holiday shopping. I am almost nearly done. As you see, I am not a last-minute Christmas shopper because I am not a fan of long lineups, not finding free parking spots at the local mall, not knowing where to find that perfect gift, and frantically running around from store to store to find out that the perfect gift I wanted is either sold out or discontinued. ‘Tis the season!

Business continues to go upward as I secured a few more listings and more buyer clients. I have been securing more buyer clients because of their fear about the new stress test offered by the banks on qualifying buyers at higher mortgage rates starting on January 1, 2018. As such, buyers are calling me daily to show them more homes and putting offers. And yes, it has been “stressful”, unfortunately, no pun intended. C’est la vie!

To illustrate the concern of my buyer clients about the stress test, below is an example of a scenario about the impact of the stress test on a buyer’s home purchasing power. As you see in the table, regardless of the amount of down payment a buyer has, they have less purchasing power when they are qualified at a higher mortgage rate which is significant. This significance is the difference between purchasing a single-family home versus buying a condo, or, worse off, being denied a mortgage and forced to continue paying more rent. To avoid becoming a victim of the stress test, you will need to have an offer to purchase a home accepted before December 31, 2017.

On a positive note, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a safe and enjoyable holiday season, and a prosperous and healthy 2018!

Best regards,

Michael B. Arthur

Quote of the Month 
“Buying real estate is not only the best way, the quickest way, the safest way, but the only way to become wealthy.” 
– Marshall Field
A Laugh or Two For Good Measure!
After many years of studying at a university, I’ve finally become a PhD… or Pizza Hut Deliveryman as people call it.

I can’t believe I forgot to go to the gym today. That’s 7 years in a row now.

I’ve no home, I haven’t got control, I can’t see any escape. Way past the time I got a new keyboard.

Helpful Life Hacks & Cartoon of The Month
Supply & Demand
      Do you remember the ‘tickle me Elmo’ craziness from a few years back?  It was the hottest toy for Christmas, and people stood in line for hours to get one.  People were able to sell those dolls for 10X what they paid for them.  Why?  Simple supply and demand.  The supply was low, the demand was high – so the price reflected it.

   The same is true for real estate.  There is a serious shortage of rental properties available in many areas, and that leads to low vacancies.  Low vacancies mean we can charge higher rents, and increase our profits and the values of our properties.  And the beautiful thing about real estate is that it fills a true need.  People always need shelter – in good times and in bad times.  I love real estate because there is a built in demand.


About Michael Arthur:

Who are we? Creative Real Estate Ventures is a real estate investment company. We have been actively involved in Ottawa area real estate investing for a number of years.  Our mission is to provide quality housing for quality tenants, while at the same time providing an above average return on investment (R.O.I) for our investor partners and ourselves.  It is truly a win-win-win way of investing!

And if you are ready to find out more about our investment program, I invite you to contact me directly, and I will be happy to show you exactly how it works, either in person, by phone, or on-line.

You can email me at:
or give me a call at 1-613-618-4082