
December, 2018

News From Michael Arthur

Although the winter season can be fun doing exciting activities, such as skating, skiing or playing hockey outdoors, it can also be harsh to your home which can cause structural and physical issues if they are not taken care of in advance.

Here are some proven winter maintenance tips for your home to help you avoid problems in the future where you can save money. It is recommended to hire a trusted and experienced professional to do this maintenance work if you are unable to do it yourself.  


  • Air Filters: Clean or replace air filters in HRV, furnace, hood­ fan (do monthly or as needed).
  • Air Vents: Ensure indoor air vents (HRV & forced air furnace supplies & returns) are clean and not blocked by dust,­ furnishings, drapes, etc. Air supply vents in the basement should be open.
  • Humidifier: Turn on and clean humidifier and open humidifi­er damper, if you have a humidifier. Adjust settings to provide a relative humidity of 30% or higher.
  • Doors: Whenever possible, leave bedroom doors open to allow for better air circulation.
  • Furnace: Refer to furnace manual and carry out any required furnace maintenance.  Run furnace fan throughout the year to provide ventilation for your home.
  • Hardwood Flooring: Winter is a critical time of year to closely monitor your indoor relative humidity with a suitable hygrometer. If the air is too dry, your floor will release its moisture. A low moisture content will damage your hardwood floor, lead­ ing to gapping, cracking, and squeaks.
  • Window Coverings: Keeping blinds and curtains open when­ ever possible exposes the glass to warm inside air, minimizing condensation.


  • Attic Vents: Ensure roof louvers, vents and soffits are not blocked with snow. Ventilation is a critical factor in roof dura­bility – air must be able to move through the attic.
  • Ensure roof louvers, vents and soffits are not blocked. Ven­tilation is a critical factor in roof durability – air must be able to move through the attic. Check for damaged areas, nests, trees or vines blocking openings, etc.
  • Shingles and Roofing: Remove excessive accumulations of snow and ice from the roof to avoid ice damming. Snow covered roof vents will not keep the attic properly ventilated.

Anita and I recently went to a fun and entertaining annual Christmas party organized by my real estate brokerage office, RE/Max Core Realty. It was great to meet my colleagues to unwind, drink, eat a delicious buffet, take photos of each other, dance and enjoy each other’s company after having a busy, successful and productive year in our real estate businesses.
As the new year is quickly approaching, I would like to wish you and your family a safe and enjoyable Christmas holiday and a prosperous, joyous and successful 2019!

Best Regards,

Michael Arthur.


Quote of the Month


A Laugh or Two for Good Measure!

Why is it that good people are always the ones who get screwed over? The other day I gave my seat to an old lady on the bus and then I got fired from my job as a bus driver.

3 Weeks to Live:
The following conversation took place today at the hospital after the doctor told me I’ve only got 3 weeks to live.



Helpful Life Hacks and Cartoon of the Month



Capital Gains

       How would you like an investment where not only can you make a great return on your money, but you also pay less taxes on your profits?  That’s what happens with real estate.  When it comes to the capital gains you make on your properties, you are only charged tax on ½ of it.  Compare that to interest you generate in a savings account… first of all, it’s miniscule and secondly, you are going to get whacked with taxes on the full amount that you earned

Another big PLUS on the side of real estate as an investment.


About Michael Arthur:

Who are we? Creative Real Estate Ventures is a real estate investment company. We have been actively involved in Ottawa area real estate investing for a number of years. Our mission is to provide quality housing for quality tenants, while at the same time providing an above average return on investment (R.O.I) for our investor partners and ourselves. It is truly a win-win-win way of investing!

And if you are ready to find out more about our investment program, I invite you to contact me directly, and I will be happy to show you exactly how it works, either in person, by phone, or on-line.

You can email me at:
or give me a call at 1-613-618-4082