
June, 2019

News From Michael Arthur

As I am writing this blog, I successfully helped an investor and tenant-buyer secure a property using the rent-to-own strategy.

The rent-to-own strategy is a creative real estate investing strategy that many successful investors have used to generate extra income and profits to create the financial freedom and independence they want.

The rent-to-own strategy happens where an investor buys and leases a rental property to a tenant and gives the tenant the option to purchase the property at a specified time period and price in the future. The investor can typically charge above the market rent rate and get the tenant motivated to take care of all the maintenance and upkeep on the property, since the tenant will eventually purchase the house without the need to look for another property.

The rent-to-own strategy provides the following benefits:

– It generates more positive cash flow than normal from a traditional investment property.

– At the beginning of the lease, the investor can get a deposit from the tenant that’s much higher than a usual damage deposit from a traditional investment property.

– The investor does not have to deal with tenant management headaches, such as plumbing or property damage issues, which all are taking care of by the tenant. This provides the investor with more time and freedom to focus on other important priorities outside of real estate, such as travelling or spending quality time with friends and family.

– Rent-to-own properties are usually short-term deals that last from two to four years, which makes it attractive for investors. After the investor sells the rent-to-own property, they can use the proceeds from the sale to purchase another rent-to-own or traditional investment property, lend money to other investors to generate extra cash-flow, pay off their personal debts and expenses, pay their children’s college/university education, invest the money into the stock market and/or fund their retirement.

If you would like to learn more about the profitable rent-to-own strategy to generate extra income for yourself and your family, please send me an email or call me at (613) 618-4082 to start a conversation.

Enjoy reading the newsletter.

All the best!

Michael Arthur


Quote of the Month


A Laugh or Two for Good Measure!

Incumbent Imbecile
Recently I heard the former mayor of Reading, Pennsylvania,
recount some funny stories about his time in office.
One happened while he was running for reelection;
he was in a bar and paid for a woman’s drink.
She thanked him but wondered why a stranger had 
bought her a beer.
“I’m running for mayor,” he told her, “and I want your vote.”
“You got it,” she said, grabbing her glass.
“Anyone’s better than the jerk who’s in there now.”
Ahoy, Dracula!
Q: How do vampires get around on Halloween?
A: On blood vessels
Like Flower, Like Bud
As I entered the elevator at our hospital, a disheveled-looking man
rushed in behind me carrying a ceramic blue baby bootie filled with carnations.
I smiled knowingly and asked, “Does he look like you?
“I hope not,” he said. “I just deliver flowers.”



Helpful Life Hacks 
and Cartoon of the Month


Why Invest In Real Estate?

          If you are like most people, the idea of riding the stock market ‘roller coaster’ makes you feel a little queasy.  The highs can be a lot of fun, but the lows really give you a kickin’ (and there seem to be a lot more lows than highs for most investors).

         While real estate also follows a cycle, it tends to be a much more gradual one.  Investing in revenue properties offers us limited immunity from fluctuation

         This means that you don’t tend to see the massive ups and downs of the stock and commodity markets.  It’s a much gentler ride, and tends to provide very solid returns on investment over the long run.  This is another reason I prefer real estate investing over other kinds of investments.


About Michael Arthur:

Who are we? Creative Real Estate Ventures is a real estate investment company. We have been actively involved in Ottawa area real estate investing for a number of years. Our mission is to provide quality housing for quality tenants, while at the same time providing an above average return on investment (R.O.I) for our investor partners and ourselves. It is truly a win-win-win way of investing!

And if you are ready to find out more about our investment program, I invite you to contact me directly, and I will be happy to show you exactly how it works, either in person, by phone, or on-line.

You can email me at:
or give me a call at 1-613-618-4082