
May, 2019

News From Michael Arthur
Finally, no more snow, freezing rain and driving on slippery roads and walking on slippery sidewalks. It is nice for a change to finally experience the spring weather after experiencing a rough and challenging winter season.
I have some exciting news to share with you! This personal milestone is something that I have never imagined that would become a reality. 

I recently partnered with a digital marketing company to launch a real estate search app called ClickDigs.

It is a free powerful property search app that you gives you immediate access to instant and advanced searches of properties available for sale in the Ottawa and the surrounding areas.

It will provide you with a daily detailed list of all the properties that match exactly what you’re looking for in your desired neighbourhood. It will send you photos, property taxes, price changes, sold properties and all the information just like I get as a Realtor.

The nice thing about this app is that it comes with a mortgage calculator, a map search locator and a feature that saves your property searches that you can refer to without starting over.

The app is available for your Google Android or Apple mobile phone or tablet. 

You can download the app by clicking:


Happy property hunting!

Michael Arthur.





Quote of the Month


A Laugh or Two for Good Measure!

What An Ugly Duck…
My husband was waterskiing when he fell into the river.
As the boat 
circled to pick him up, he noticed a hunter sitting in a duck boat in the reeds. My husband put his hands in the air and joked, “Don’t shoot!”
The hunter responded, “Don’t quack.”
Skinny Skeletons
Q: Know why skeletons are so calm?
A: Because nothing gets under their skin.
“Oh, and It Doesn’t Have Arms or Legs.”
A woman called the Colorado State Division of Wildlife
regarding a snake in her backyard.
“Can you tell me what kind it is?” she asked.
“Can you describe it?” I asked.
“Yes,” she said. “It’s long and thin.”


Helpful Life Hacks 
and Cartoon of the Month


Why Invest In Real Estate?

          If you are like most people, the idea of riding the stock market ‘roller coaster’ makes you feel a little queasy.  The highs can be a lot of fun, but the lows really give you a kickin’ (and there seem to be a lot more lows than highs for most investors).

         While real estate also follows a cycle, it tends to be a much more gradual one.  Investing in revenue properties offers us limited immunity from fluctuation

         This means that you don’t tend to see the massive ups and downs of the stock and commodity markets.  It’s a much gentler ride, and tends to provide very solid returns on investment over the long run.  This is another reason I prefer real estate investing over other kinds of investments.


About Michael Arthur:

Who are we? Creative Real Estate Ventures is a real estate investment company. We have been actively involved in Ottawa area real estate investing for a number of years. Our mission is to provide quality housing for quality tenants, while at the same time providing an above average return on investment (R.O.I) for our investor partners and ourselves. It is truly a win-win-win way of investing!

And if you are ready to find out more about our investment program, I invite you to contact me directly, and I will be happy to show you exactly how it works, either in person, by phone, or on-line.

You can email me at:
or give me a call at 1-613-618-4082