
November, 2019

News From Michael Arthur

Another proud life moment I have to share. 

An inspirational story. 

I recently visited my clients, Behnam and Marzieh, who invited me to their dream home for coffee and cookies to see how they were settling in their brand new home I found for them. 

As new Canadians from Iran, Benham and Marzieh were renting in Toronto and were  struggling to find an affordable home to own in the city as first-time homebuyers. As well, they did not understand the process of buying a home in Canada.

Luckily, Marzieh found me through my website and  connected with me to explain her and Benham’s difficult situation. I knew their situation very well as affordability and understanding the homebuying process are typical challenges with first-time homebuyers.

I explained to the couple the home-buying process and the first-time homebuyer incentive programs. I also identified affordable neighbourhoods they can purchase a home based on their personal and financial needs. 

I invited Benham to visit Ottawa one weekend where we went to see many homes for sale that fit his and Marzieh’s criteria. Unfortunately, the homes we saw did not meet the couple’s expectations. I decided then to advise Benham to see some new home developments as options. We went to see some new home opportunities based on the builders’ quality workmanship of their home models and their reputation on customer service, which I researched heavily. 

Low and behold, we found a gem of a new home development in Stittsville in west Ottawa where it exceeded Benham and Marzieh’s needs and expectations. 

I helped the couple choose their dream home model, along with educating them about the steps of buying a newly-built home from a builder and the Ontario Tarion New Home Warranty Program. 

After finalizing the deal, I conducted the pre-delivery inspection (PDI) with an experienced, professional and detailed-oriented home inspector, on behalf of the couple who were unable to attend the inspection, as they were busy working in Toronto. I advised the couple to have an experienced home inspector to ensure their home was in good condition and their interests were protected. And Greg succeeded. After the inspection, myself and Greg informed the couple about the results of the PDI, which were positive. 

The couple were thrilled and excited about the results of the PDI and the quality workmanship of their dream home. 

I am thankful and fortunate to make a difference for this beautiful couple and their family.


Quote of the Month


A Laugh or Two for Good Measure!

Holiday Heavyweights

The checkout clerk at the supermarket was unusually cheerful  
even though it was near closing time. “You must have picked up  
a ton of groceries today,” a customer said to the checker.  

“How can you stay so pleasant?” 
“We can all count our blessings,” the clerk replied.
“The hardest part of this job is the turkeys and the watermelons.
I just thank God that Thanksgiving doesn’t come in July.”


Intellectual Vampire

Q: Why did the Vampire read the New York Times? 
A: He heard it had great circulation. 


Tollbooth Timer

I worked on a toll road, answering the phone,  
collecting money and issuing toll tickets. 

One Thanksgiving Day, a woman called to ask about road conditions  
on the turnpike. After I said everything was A-okay,  
she told me a friend was coming for dinner. Then came the stumper.

“If my friend just left from exit twelve,” she asked,  
“what time should I put the turkey in?”

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Helpful Life Hacks 
and Cartoon of the Month



Why Invest In Real Estate?


One of the ‘pleasant’ dilemmas that my investor
partners face when we cash out of a deal is what
to do with their PROFITS.

On one hand, it’s tempting to take the cash and
buy a new car, boat, vacation, or other ‘doodad’
(as Robert Kiyosaki calls them in his book Rich
Dad, Poor Dad).

On the other hand, it usually makes a LOT more
sense to use those profits to buy more income-
producing real estate.  That’s called “re-investment”.


About Michael Arthur:

Who are we? Creative Real Estate Ventures is a real estate investment company. We have been actively involved in Ottawa area real estate investing for a number of years. Our mission is to provide quality housing for quality tenants, while at the same time providing an above-average return on investment (R.O.I) for our investor partners and ourselves. It is truly a win-win-win way of investing!

And if you are ready to find out more about our investment program, I invite you to contact me directly, and I will be happy to show you exactly how it works, either in person, by phone, or on-line.

You can email me at:
or give me a call at 1-613-618-4082